Missouri Beef Producers Divided On Proposed Beef Checkoff

Missouri beef producers seem to be almost equally divided over a proposed $1-per-head state beef checkoff, and those opinions were heard during a public hearing Wednesday morning.

The MEC Building on the Missouri State Fairgrounds was filled for almost two and a half hours as beef producers from across the state, both male and female, young and old, gave testimony to Missouri Department of Agriculture Director Richard Fordyce regarding their stance on the proposal.

“I was really impressed with the turnout,” Fordyce told the Democrat after the hearing. “… I don’t know what the sign-in numbers are, but we had a lot of people here and that’s what makes for this healthy discussion, it’s certainly positive. Lots of points on both sides and we will have a decision on the referendum in the next week to 10 days.”

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Sedalia Democrat