Michigan Rep. Introduces Resolution For Meat And Poultry Appreciation Day

Rep. Dave Camp (R-MI) has introduced a resolution in the United States House
of Representatives calling for Saturday, March 20, 2010, to be celebrated as
National American Meat and Poultry Appreciation Day. The resolution was signed
by six other members of the Michigan congressional delegation.

Camps resolution follows a proclamation by Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm
that declared March 20 Michigan Meatout Day. The proclamation was requested by
the Michigan field office for the Great American Meatout Day, a program of the
vegan advocacy group Farm Animal Rights Movement.

The governors proclamation encouraged people to not eat meat, implying that it
was unhealthy, despite overwhelming evidence of meat and poultrys importance as
part of a healthy, balanced diet. The Michigan Senate voted Wednesday to
encourage Granholm to rescind her resolution.

No one can dispute the fact that agriculture, including the meat and poultry
industry, has buoyed the Michigan economy through an extremely difficult period.
Nearly 136,000 Michigan farm families get their livelihood from the meat and
poultry industry that represents nearly $15 billion for the Michigan economy,
and nearly six percent of the nations domestic product, Camp said.

Nationally, the meat industry generates 6.2 million jobs and $832 billion, or
nearly 6 percent of the GDP.

The resolution is supported by the American Meat Institute, Michigan Farm Bureau
and the American Farm Bureau Federation.

To view the resolution,
click here:

American Meat Institute