Meat Distribution Wholesalers Pushing for Healthier Meat Products

In Canada, the beef and pork industry has been steadily increasing its progress in the meat industry throughout the prior five-year period. However, there has been a decrease in meat consumption per capita. A major explanation for this decrease is an overall concern amongst consumer health trends. During the course of the last five-year period, there has been an increase in the production of healthier brands of meat. Farm animals are being fed organic, antibiotic, and hormone-free, grass diets. This new feeding trend is bringing anticipation to the industry, which optimistically will create a boost to the Canadian meat market industry.

This new trend also establishes a requirement of complete transparency in the supply chain operations of the wholesale meat market which also pushes for a more holistic approach in the health and safety of products. It is also imperative that businesses operate in an environmentally friendly manner by taking animal welfare into consideration through ensuring that these animals are on grass-fed diets.

Organic and grass-fed beef has many health benefits, as well as a strength towards animal welfare protocols, and the environment.  There are countless health benefits of grass-fed beef, including:

  • Reduced calories and saturated fats.
  • Higher levels of Omega-3 fatty acids — CLAs  (Conjugated Linoleic Acid–these are fatty acids that are needed to fight cancer and hinder the accumulation of body fat).
  • Higher levels of Vitamins A and E.
  • Higher in beta-carotene, B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, potassium.
  • Contains a healthy ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids.

Free-ranging, grass-fed cattle are allowed to graze in open pastures their whole life.  They are not given any type of hormones to promote growth, are allowed to live in a peaceful environment for 20-30 months.  Because of this stress-free lifestyle, the meat produced is much more tender and better tasting.

100% organic meat products are USDA certified by the National Organic Program (NOP) this is the highest standard for organic products in the world; this guarantee is accredited by third-party agencies during all stages of production and processing.

Free-ranging cattle helps improve the environment because farmers use a method called ‘rotational grazing’ which results in an improvement in the quality of soil and carbon sequestration.  Additionally, farmers manage the animal waste products in a responsible manner to aid and protect the environment.

Food distribution wholesalers such as Soloway’s Hot Dog Factory are making eating meat more enjoyable with the various types of meat they provide for their customers. With a variety of meat products such as sausages, wieners, striploin steaks, burgers, and even veggie meats and nitrite-free and gluten-free meats.

Soloway’s takes the time to ensure the health and safety in all the food products is a number one concern.  Posting the nutritional information and ingredients of the beef wieners, pork sausages, and beef burgers online for everyone to view.

So, if you are looking for a healthy and delicious way to eat meat, visit Soloway’s Hot Dog Factory in Toronto for the very best in hot dogs, sausages, burgers, steaks, and many more meat and food items on the menu!

Source: Soloway’s Hot Dog Factory