Bedford, PA – To kick off the May is Beef Month celebration, the PA Beef Council (PBC) teamed up with PA Cattlemen’s Association (PCA), PA Livestock Association (PLA), and Center for Beef Excellence (CBE) on May 3, 2023, at the PA State Capitol. PBC in collaboration with the beef producer groups, coordinated the Ag Day Meat & Greet Reception, a time designated to showcase beef and agriculture in a big way!
During the event, local beef producers and leadership within the Commonwealth, including Secretary of Agriculture, Russell Redding, gathered to help celebrate Beef Month and kick-off the campaign. This was a time to share the “steak” beef has in the Commonwealth. Attendees enjoyed a burger during the event to celebrate the nutritional value of beef.
Also, every year PBC finds a way to give back to our community to say thank you! This year, PBC, PCA, PLA, and CBE, donated beef and cheese sticks to the Backpack Program by Second Harvest for the entire month of May. Beef and cheese sticks will be distributed in 2700 backpacks per week. We are reaching 48 schools, 18 School Districts within 9 counties in northwest PA counties. A staggering 88,170 individuals in northwest PA are food insecure. 29% of these are children under the age of 18.
“Teaming up with Second Harvest to support children in need is a unique way for the agriculture community in PA to show our support. As cattlemen and women, we care for the land and livestock every day. Giving back through the Backpack Program is just one way for us to show our compassion for our community as well”, said Andrea Foore, President of the PLA. “As we celebrate Beef Month, we want to not only celebrate beef’s nutritional value, but also the people who produce it and the communities we are a part of.”
PBC is grateful for a successful day filled with producers, leadership, education, giving, and tasty beef to kick off May is Beef Month!
To learn more about the Backpack Program, visit Second Harvest’s website.
Visit www.pabeef.org to learn more about the PA Beef Council.
The Pennsylvania Beef Council is a producer-controlled and funded organization, which administers the Beef Checkoff Program in Pennsylvania. The Beef Checkoff Program assesses $1 per head on the sale of live domestic and imported cattle, in addition to a comparable assessment on imported beef and beef products. Checkoff revenues may be used for promotion, education and research programs to improve the marketing climate for beef.