Reducing devastating disease outbreaks is priority number one for the Ontario Pork Industry Council.
The Council has seen diseases such as Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) and Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus (PEDv) strike Ontario’s pork industry. That’s why it created Area Regional Control and Elimination (ARC&E) programs to reduce and manage outbreaks of these threatening diseases. The new biosecurity program focuses on collaboration, communication and information-sharing across the industry to help prepare everyone to deal with outbreaks and manage disease transmission.
Both PRRS and PEDv spread quickly and can be devastating to a herd. Knowing where and when an outbreak happens can be an effective means to control and eliminate these diseases. That’s the purpose behind an interactive map the Ontario Pork Industry Council developed to voluntarily identify hog farms across Ontario, including sites experiencing PEDv or PRRS cases. Sharing this information with everyone involved in the industry is key and hog producers and veterinarians can sign up to access the map.
To read the rest of the story, please go to: Agricultural Adaptation Council