Improve Middle Meat Sales With Merchandising Technique

Beef Alternative Merchandising

As ribeye steaks and New York strips have gotten bigger, many customers have
become frustrated with middle meat cuts because of larger portion sizes, higher
prices and thinner cuts. In addition, due to the economic crunch, fewer people
are eating out, and in turn, restaurants are purchasing less of these cuts. Now
your stores, like other retailers, have access to an abundance of middle meats

Are you wondering how to capitalize on this middle meat downturn while creating
even more satisfying eating experiences for your customers? Beef Alternative
Merchandising (BAM), a project funded by The Beef Checkoff Program, is the
result of extensive testing throughout 2008 with consumer surveys and focus
groups revealing an enthusiastic response to this alternative merchandising

BAM will allow your stores to increase profits by acting on tips suggested
through the consumer surveys, like:

  • Showcasing new cuts as a collection
  • Including recipes and cooking tips
  • Adding seasoning packets in the packages

During research, consumers indicated an assumption that these cuts will cost
more to purchase; they also said it was worth it! After viewing package pricing
for two, three and four steaks per package of the boneless steaks/filets,
consumers were receptive to the proposed package pricing, particularly for a
two-steak package (4 oz. each). So, while the price per pound is more expensive,
the package price will be less expensive for the customer.

Taking a few extra steps in cutting and packaging will allow your customers to
have more options and purchase more of these middle meat cuts. Keep your focus
on providing convenience in all areas from the packaging, portion size,
seasoning and placement of these cuts as a collection in your meat case.

Bringing the BAM program into your stores will involve showing the meat
department how to cut the top loin, ribeye and sirloin subprimals into smaller,
more appealing portions. Check out these helpful resources, including:

  • Instructional videos
  • Recipes
  • Cutting charts
  • Fresh and meal photography
  • Take a look at the point-of-sale materials designed to help you implement
    BAM in your stores.

Photo Caption: Recipe Cards like this for Top Sirloin Petite Roast Herb-Crusted
with Fig-Onion Relish appear in the available Beef Alternative Merchandising
(BAM) POS materials.

The Beef Checkoff Program