Though it started as a small Crystal River Valley operation, the Carbondale-based Crystal River Meats is now the biggest producer of grass-fed beef and lamb in Colorado. But the company has had some real battles to overcome in the grass-fed livestock industry.
You want to get a hold of some straight-forward grass-fed American beef? It’s not as simple as reading the label.
Crystal River Meats, run by the Jacober family, has seen remarkable growth since about 2010. Originally started in the Crystal River Valley with a few cattle, the company’s operation has expanded dramatically in recent years, and its main property of about 7,000 acres has been in the San Luis Valley since 2014. The company still runs cattle on Forest Service leases in Coal Basin west of Redstone and in Eagle County, and its headquarters is in Carbondale. Crystal River Meats also leases land in New Mexico for weaning calves.
To read the rest of the story, please go to: Glenwood Springs Post Independent