Walmart's recent shift to sell higher-quality beef comes as music to the ears of those involved in the beef industry.
The world's largest retailer — with more than half of its $260 billion in U.S. sales last year coming from groceries — confirmed last month that it's now selling choice-grade beef at all of its 3,800 U.S. locations after it started ramping up its selections this summer.
“Walmart's decision to offer USDA choice beef is a fantastic move from our point of view, because it helps renew consumers' interest in beef,” said Pat Huebner, vice president of research and development at JBS USA. “When any retailer increases demand for beef, it's great for the industry — and that means positive growth for us.”
JBS and other beef companies will happily take the help.
Many are experiencing trying times — expecting to cut back on the number of cattle they slaughter, which stems from the drought that scorched Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, southeastern Colorado and other areas this year, and from high feed costs, all of which caused farmers and ranchers to sell portions of their herds early.
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