Eating Less Meat Won’t Curb Climate Change, Air Quality Expert Says

Consuming less meat will not reduce our greenhouse gas production, a leading
air quality expert said on Monday, Agence France-Presse reports. Frank
Mitloehner, a professor at the University of California-Davis, delivered his
remarks during a conference of the American Chemical Society in California.

Mitloehner is the author of the published study, Cleaning the Air: Livestocks
Contribution to Climate Change, which asserts that despite often repeated
claims, it is simply not scientifically accurate to blame livestock for climate
change. The study was published in the peer-reviewed journal Advances in

Mitloehner traces much of the public confusion over meat and milks role in
climate change to a 2006 United Nations report, titled “Livestock’s Long
Shadow,” which he says overstates the role livestock play in greenhouse gas

These statements are not accurate, yet their wide distribution through news
media have put us on the wrong path toward solutions, Mitloehner said.

“We certainly can reduce our greenhouse-gas production, but not by consuming
less meat and milk but by increasing efficient meat production in developing
countries, where growing populations need more nutritious food, Mitloehner

To view the abstract of Mitloehners report, click here:

American Meat Institute