Consumers Talk Turkey

Assume for the moment you've elected to forego the Cajun Deep Fried Turkey that KFC has available this Thanksgiving for $49.99.

What comes next is deciding how to use your 2010 Thanksgiving turkey budget.

Much depends on how much one has to spend. The price range is broad — from birds that cost as little as $6 or $7 to those that exceed $70.

Then there's the question of how many mouths there are to feed on Thursday, and how highly prized leftovers might be. Most estimates call for 1 pound of uncooked turkey per person – more if leftovers are desired.

But there's also wide diversity on the consumer pickiness scale — from those who favor turkeys that are fresh, frozen, all-natural or plumped with fluids, to those for whom only the freshest, most unprocessed and, usually, most expensive is acceptable.

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