CHARLES CITY, Iowa — Record-high cattle prices could have long-lasting affects on the industry and consumers, experts say.
Big paychecks from packers haven't meant a lot of black ink for producers. And people who love a good T-bone steak or cheeseburger are digging deeper to pay for them, government data show.
Producers and food retailers say change is the way to buck both trends.
Dan Dietz and Dan Schmitt, co-owners of Quality Calves near Charles City, decided to go all-in raising cattle last year when other producers around the country were cutting back. Plus, they decided to concentrate on a breed known for milk production, not its meat value.
The duo buys baby Holstein bulls — cheaper than Angus and other well-known breeds – and feed them out to 400 pounds. Dietz then buys the steers and feeds them out at his farm near Nashua. So far, selling feeders and fat cattle is profitable, Dietz and Schmitt say.
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