Case Study Examines Customer Experience With Mettler Toledo 880 Auto Wrapper

Engineering and development personnel at METTLER TOLEDO fully believed that the company’s new 880 Auto Wrapper would provide a wealth of tangible benefits to retail customers worldwide. A case study involving the hands-on operators of the equipment provides justification that their confidence in the leading edge product is indeed well-founded.

The case study involves meat department workers at Tony O’s Supermarket and Catering in Kingsville, Ohio. According to the head meat wrapper, the 880 has demonstrated it can weigh, wrap and label a tray of meat cuts in less than one-fifth of the time it had taken using the store’s previous equipment. All employees interviewed were particularly impressed with the quality of the wrap, which was invariably tight, leak-proof, professional-looking – and actually used less film than before.

Measureable time savings were also noted in tasks such as film roll exchange, label roll replacement and cleaning. And all operators were impressed with the 880 Auto Wrapper’s intuitive interface and tactile keypad which reduced time needed to program changes in price, item and PLU – making it easier to maintain proper inventory during peak demand periods.

In the actual workplace, the 880 Auto Wrapper’s design and functionality allow it to mirror the lean 5S process improvement attributes coveted by successful manufacturing operations. The 880 Auto Wrapper’s reduced footprint (20 ft2) eases product throughput, and a proactive service schedule ensures that the equipment will enjoy optimized uptime.

Faster, safer, and easier to learn, operate and maintain, the METTLER TOLEDO 880 Auto Wrapper is wasting no time in winning the hearts of the retail personnel who work with it every single day.

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For more information about the 800 Auto Wrapper, visit:

Source: Mettler Toledo