Assessing The New Consumer And The Trust Metric

Consumers have instant access to a wide variety of resources including information on how cattle are raised for food. This access has created a dynamic in the purchase decision paradigm with consumers, where many are considering factors that focus on transparency in addition to price, convenience and taste. There is a strong interest and concern around how animals are raised for food, yet most consumers have little to no knowledge about the topic. With the proper tools, the beef community can become part of this conversation and help shape consumer perceptions with the evolving consumer.


To understand the new consumer, we must first look at what has changed around them. Technology advancements have led to constant and continuous access to information. While it is true that the millennial generation drives this growth, the impact expands beyond them. More than 80 percent of consumers, ages 18-64, have access to the Internet, with that number growing to over 93 percent for those under the age of 501. For most, this access is literally at their fingertips. In 2015, it was estimated that 70 percent of consumers have a smartphone and 40 percent of consumers own a tablet device2. Considering these advancements, it only makes sense that consumers and the information they use to make purchase decisions have also evolved.

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