AMI Statement On White House Antibiotics Reports

“We appreciate the White House’s careful look at the complex issue of antibiotic resistance and we share the view that antibiotics are assets to human and veterinary medicine that should be used thoughtfully and appropriately. 

The recommendations that have been shared echo what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conveyed last year — that you cannot attack a complex problem in a simple manner and that we must employ a multi-faceted solution. Our industry certainly plays a role in that solution, along with the medical community and others. As both the White House and CDC note, the greatest threat to public health is the overuse of antibiotics in humans, though the agriculture industry needs to ensure judicious use of antibiotics as well. 

We support the steps that have been taken by the FDA to seek the phase out of antibiotics to promote growth and to increase veterinary oversight, moves which are consistent with protecting both animal and public health. It is encouraging that all 26 companies that make animal health products have pledged to comply with this FDA policy. 

As the reports say, much more needs to be learned about how resistance is being developed and spread through various channels. We support further research and data collection to help ensure that the correct antibiotics are used in the correct circumstances in both human and animal medicine in order to best reduce antibiotic resistance in all populations.”

-Betsy Booren, Ph.D., AMI Vice President of Scientific Affairs

Source: American Meat Institute