$5M Upgrade And 40 New Jobs For Shelbyville, TN Tyson Plant

Forty new jobs and a $5 million upgrade for the Tyson Foods poultry plant in Shelbyville were announced Wednesday.

With the county's unemployment rate at 13 percent, the announcement was welcome news to area leaders.

According to Wally Taylor, manager of the Shelbyville complex, work on the improvements will begin as soon as this weekend, which is designed to streamline the operations and, most importantly, add jobs.

Photo Caption: Tyson Foods plant manager Wally Taylor, at left, made the announcement Wednesday to Shelbyville Mayor Wallace Cartwright and County Mayor Eugene Ray about the 40 new jobs and $5 million investment being made at Shelbyville's poultry processing plant.

Photo Credit: Brian Mosley

To read the rest of this story please go to:  The Times-Gazette