APHIS Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) is excited to announce the new APHIS eFile PPQ 587 plants and plant products application for cut flowers and greenery, and sugarcane and sugarcane products permits.
Why should I use APHIS eFile?
· Effective today, PPQ will no longer issue new or renewed permits from ePermits for PPQ 587 plant and plant products that are not for propagation or planting
· Permit requests can include multiple countries per application
· Get your permits the same day you apply
The following plant and plant products applications are available in APHIS eFile:
- Cut Flowers and Greenery – new
- Sugarcane and Sugarcane Products – new
- Fruit and Vegetables
- Seeds, Nuts, and Grains
- Handicrafts
- Hay, Straw, and Fiber
- Cotton and Cotton Products
- Herbals: teas, extracts, and oils
Apply Today!
Go to APHIS eFile at efile.aphis.usda.gov/s/. In the Ready to Apply section, select the PPQ 587 application to start your application. For additional support, check out our user guides and YouTube videos.
For a period of time, you still need to use ePermits to apply for other PPQ 587 permit requests (e.g., plants for planting). In the future, all PPQ 587 applications will be available in APHIS eFile.
If you have any questions, please contact PPQ Permit Services at (301) 851-2046 or plantproducts.permits@usda.gov.