Two-Thirds Of Florists Report Increased Sales On Mother's Day

Florists around the country are feeling pretty good about Mother’s Day 2016. Overall, sales were up for many, and average transactions  were slightly higher than 2015 returns, according to the Society of American Florists’ post-holiday survey.

Sixty-six percent of florists who responded to the SAF survey reported an increase in sales. Among those respondents, nearly a quarter said the rise was modest, somewhere between 1 and 5 percent. About 37 percent of florists with those increased sales credited shop promotions for the uptick.

Meanwhile, 20 percent of respondents saw a drop in sales — 53 percent said they weren’t sure how steep the decline was — and 14 percent said sales were flat.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Society of American Florists