
LOS ANGELES – Teleflora, the world’s leading floral delivery service, is showcasing the emotional journey of motherhood in its new campaign, “The Hardest Part: A Teleflora Love Story,” ahead of Mother’s Day. Contrary to popular belief, the hardest part of being a mom isn’t the day-to-day mess, stress, and exhaustion of raising children, it’s the bittersweet and emotional experience of letting them go so they can grow.
From the exhilarating moment of a child’s first steps to Mom’s tearful wave goodbye on the first day of school to all the poignant milestones, including graduation, marriage, and everything in between, Teleflora’s “The Hardest Part: A Teleflora Love Story” — which launches today — captures the touching and honest truths of motherhood. The campaign shows the deep sense of pride and love that mothers feel as they watch their children grow and combat the sadness and longing that comes with letting them go.
“This Mother’s Day, we wanted to pay homage to the unwavering love and support mothers provide throughout their children’s lives,” said Danielle Mason, vice president of marketing, Teleflora. “While moms take pride and show the utmost love and care in raising independent children, the most pivotal milestones can feel both beautiful and heartbreaking. As a mother of two children, this campaign truly hits home for me. What we don’t talk about enough is the challenge and void in moms’ hearts that lies ahead after the days and years have flown by — letting go, so their children can learn to grow on their own. This is the emotional and honest story we aimed to capture in this year’s campaign to honor Mom.”
The ad will be featured on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, and is supported by targeted in-stream media buys on connected TV, digital, and mobile. The campaign was developed by The Wonderful Company’s in-house creative team at Wonderful Agency and led by Chief Creative Officer Margaret Keene, under guidance from both Mason and Jeff Bennett, president, Teleflora.
“The Hardest Part: A Teleflora Love Story” is an extension of Teleflora’s overarching “Love Out Loud” brand platform, which encourages everyone to love like you mean it — out loud — one handmade, hand-delivered bouquet at a time. This Mother’s Day, let Mom know you never left and surprise her with a unique Teleflora arrangement. Teleflora’s best-selling Mother’s Day lineup features beautifully curated arrangements always made by hand and delivered to your doorstep by a local florist, complete with a festive keepsake container that can be incorporated into home décor for years to come.
Teleflora’s new Mother’s Day bouquet lineup includes:
- Teleflora’s Lavender Whimsy Bouquet (Starting at $64.99) – Wish her a Mother’s Day of wonder and whimsy with this stunning purple geometric glass vase overflowing with a breathtaking rose and lily bouquet.
- Teleflora’s Artisanal Pitcher Bouquet (Starting at $64.99) – Indulge your Queen Bee with this beautiful pink and green bouquet delivered in an artisanal glazed stoneware pitcher with an embossed bee motif. This charming pitcher will be pouring out joy for years to come.
- Teleflora’s Rosy Pink Bouquet (Starting at $54.99) – Make Mom blush with this rosy, radiant, and perfectly posh bouquet. A luxurious mix of pink roses with seasonal purple and pink stems will arrive nestled in a chic pearlescent pink glass vase with sculpted details.
- Teleflora’s Serene Swirl Bouquet (Starting at $49.99) – Swirling with hand-painted bands of soft lavender, this one-of-a-kind ceramic vase makes a marvelous Mother’s Day gift filled with a bouquet of creamy roses and purple blooms.
- Teleflora’s Iridescent Delight Bouquet (Starting at $94.99) – Treat Mom like royalty with this luxurious statement. This decadent bouquet of pink roses and lavender florals shines in a shimmering iridescent pink glass vase that Mom is sure to adore.
About Teleflora
Say everything and share your “Love Out Loud®” with the gift of Teleflora® flowers — all made by hand and delivered to your doorstep by your local florist (contactless delivery available). By tapping nearly 10,000 member florists in North America alone, Teleflora — a part of The Wonderful Company — offers the kind of personal touch, artistry, and expertise you expect from a trusted neighborhood florist — even if that neighborhood is across the country. No prepackaged flowers in nondescript boxes dropped on your doorstep — Teleflora’s network of professional florists creates artistic arrangements personally delivered in a vase, often on the same day. Teleflora makes every day an occasion with a two-in-one gift that includes a multipurpose keepsake container for long-lasting enjoyment. Follow Teleflora on Instagram and Facebook and tag your own #LoveOutLoud moment.