The Power Of Flowers: “Happy” Is Not A Luxury

Whether it’s a masterful arrangement from the florist or a simple bouquet from the grocery store, nothing beats the happiness fresh flowers instantly add to our homes and lives. And why shouldn’t they? The bursts of color, the sweet fragrances—there really is so much to love about flowers. In fact, research from a recent study conducted by Harvard University proved that people who lived with fresh cut flowers for even less than a week felt an increase in feelings of compassion and kindness for others. In addition, the research also revealed that having flowers in the home can help chase away anxieties, worries and the old-fashioned blues. Pretty amazing, right? So why aren’t more of us cashing in on this little bit of happy?

Long considered a luxury, buying fresh flowers for ourselves is not something most of us factor into our everyday budgets. But it should be, says California-based Kelli Ellis, design psychology expert. “I believe that flowers and plants have a natural energy that make us feel a special way,” she says. “It’s that ‘a-ha’ moment when your eye first spots fresh flowers when walking into a home. You immediately perk up and put a smile on your face.”

Where we see those flowers may not be as critical as simply having them present, but it certainly helps, explains Ellis, who is also the resident designer on Bravo’s Real Housewives of Orange County. “I love the idea of using flowers to create a favorite spot in the home,” she says. “It’s important to have a go-to place that we love to walk by or relax in. It help us re-energize and recharge.”

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