The PMA Packaging Impact Award: Excellence In Packaging

The PMA Impact Award: Recognizing innovation and excellence in packaging is a global program recognizing companies throughout the supply chain who are maximizing the numerous opportunities to sell more fresh produce and floral through innovative packaging.

Now in its fourth year, the 2010 Impact Award submission process has been simplified. Online Submission Form.

In prior years, entries were submitted, judged, and winners awarded in each of six categories. In 2010, all entries will be judged utilizing a holistic approach to defined areas of opportunity. Submissions will earn points in each of these areas. The combined total of points from each of the areas of opportunity will determine the 25 packaging finalists and the 5 packaging winners. The areas of consideration include:

  • Marketing Excellence- Packaging stands out with style, form and message. Distinctive materials, compelling graphics and clear messaging have been utilized to influence consumer attention and drive sales through product differentiation.
  • Food Safety Excellence- Packaging employs innovative food safety protocols to prevent food-borne illness through innovative use of actual packaging materials and/or components.
  • Supply Chain Efficiency/Functionality Excellence- Packaging offers a unique design that has been implemented to create efficiencies for one or more segments of the supply chain (transportation, handling, storage and merchandising), extend product shelf life (MAP) or make fresh produce more convenient (microwavable tray packs) for the end consumer.
  • Sustainability Excellence – The packaging meets the mission to reduce, reuse, and/or recycle along with recommended practices offered by the Sustainable Packaging Coalition.

Submissions will be evaluated and judged by a prestigious panel of judges. All packaging finalists will be showcased in a designated area at PMA’s Fresh Summit International Convention & Exposition, October 2010 and recognized on PMA’s website. The top 5 winners will be announced during a PMA general session, highlighted in the designated display area, and featured in a post-show press release.

Submissions are accepted from any PMA member company; companies can submit their own packaging solutions or submit another company's packaging. To learn more about PMA membership, please visit our Membership Center. The submission period is open now through August 27, 2010. Online Submission Form.

Source: Produce Marketing Association