Terra Nova Nurseries Introduces New, Sun-Loving Agastache Variety

Canby, Ore. – Terra Nova Nurseries announced today a sneak peek of a new variety named Agastache ‘Morello’. This remarkable variety thrives in full fun.

‘Morello’ has amazingly large, dense inflorescences of deep burgundy-rose that bloom from spring through fall. In cooler temperatures, this variety has showy, dark-colored foliage that extends the beauty of the flowers. In the spring, its foliage is tinged purple. Its strong, upright and clumping habit forms multiple crowns quickly, making it an ideal garden or landscape plant.

This elegant agastache has hardiness zones of 5-10, boasts terrific mildew resistance and is loved by bees and hummingbirds. It has a foliage height of 27”, foliage spread of 22” and a flower height of 33”. From plug to a 4”-pot, the finish time is between 6-8 weeks. For a gallon-sized pot, the finish time is 10-12 weeks.

Terra Nova Nurseries has created a “Plant Profile” page and “Grower Recipe” specific to this new variety so growers can learn about growing habit, plant characteristics, fertilization recommendations, water requirements, and other insights provided by the breeding team. These documents can be viewed and downloaded for printing at: www.terranovanurseries.com. Growers can contact their Terra Nova Nurseries’ representatives or email the sales team at sales@terranovanurseries.com.

Source: Terra Nova Nurseries