Terra Nova Launches Floriferous Agastache with Special-Use Appeal

CANBY, Ore. – Terra Nova Nurseries (www.terranovanurseries.com), a global leader in plant breeding, announced its latest breakthrough perennial, Agastache ‘Prince’s Plume’, bred to showcase a robust and floriferous quality. This best-of-breeding variety also offers multi-use appeal for gardens and landscapes.

Agastache ‘Prince’s Plume’ delivers a profusion of lavender-violet blooms from June through frost, combining long-lasting flower power with hardy, high-quality foliage. The stately perennial grows with a fast, upright habit and offers a plethora of special uses, including being a proven hummingbird and bumblebee attractor, deer resistant, and well-suited for the American Deep South.

Terra Nova’s ‘Prince’s Plume’ is disease resistant, thrives in full sun and reaches a height of 30”, width of 30” and flower height of 36”. grows most actively during the summer months, performing best in well-drained, fertile soil and requiring excellent drainage to successfully overwinter. Growers should keep ‘Prince’s Plume’ moderately dry between waterings. The expected finishing time from a liner to a 4-inch pot is 6 to 8 weeks, while finishing to a 1-gallon pot takes 12 to 14 weeks. USDA Hardiness Zones for ‘Prince’s Plume’ are 5-10.

Terra Nova Nurseries has created a “Plant Profile” page and “Grower Recipe” specific to this new variety and others, so growers interested in orders can learn about growing habits, plant characteristics, fertilization recommendations, water requirements and other insights provided by the breeding team.

These documents can be viewed and downloaded for printing at: www.terranovanurseries.com/product/agastache-princes-plume.

Finishing growers can contact their Terra Nova Nurseries representatives or email the sales team at sales@terranovanurseries.com.