You may think of flower growing as a quaint, contemplative stress free occupation. Perhaps as you kneel in your garden planting your fall bulbs you experience this kind of sensation. The reality of a flower farm is very different. It’s actually surprisingly stressful to bring a gorgeous greenhouse of lilies or tulips to harvest. There are pitfalls all over the place, however, at Sun Valley we have invested in the technology to make sure the risks that we face are minimized.
Get ready to have your mind blown; mine is still reeling at what our growers can do from their smart phones. It is kind of like Star Trek with really amazing flowers.
For years, Sun Valley has had state of the art equipment in the greenhouses measuring key data points. Ten years ago when a greenhouse got too chilly, a beeper clipped to someone’s belt or propped up on their bedside table went off. Then you had to get to the farm or call someone at the farm and make sure the situation was corrected. Are you old enough to remember what a “beeper” is?
To read the rest of the story, please go to: Sun Valley Group's Flower Talk