In the cool northwest, summertime means hydrangeas; and boy, do we have hydrangeas!
We've been growing hydrangeas (H. macrophylla) in our coastal Arcata fields for over a decade, and in the last few years we've planted new hybridized varieties. These are bred for better performance, allowing us to bring some amazing hydrangea attributes to the cut flower market: manageable bloom heads in a range of sizes, strong stems, amazing vase life, and of course, a gorgeous array of color.
The color variations we are producing are off-the-charts. Coloration of these plants is dependent upon their specific variety as well as the acidity of the soil or water. A pH of 5 or below produces shades of blue and lavender, while a pH of 7 or higher will give us vibrant pinks. Just take a look at the different colors we get by changing the pH of Everlasting Opal:
To read the rest of the story, please go to: Sun Valley Group's Flower Talk