After the holidays, my thoughts always turn towards spring. Clearing away the decorations of Christmas and making a clean sweep in my home is so refreshing that I add some fresh cut flowers to my table to finish off my January cleaning ritual. One of my favorite fresh cut spring flowers is the tulip.
“But wait,” you say, “Is it spring yet?”
For the tulip it is. The tulip makes its appearance right after poinsettias are on their way out. Available in florist shops and mass market outlets everywhere today, they were once only available in the short season of spring. Until fairly recently, we could only get cut tulips locally from March until late May. This made for wedding angst, as they were once as popular for wedding bouquets as the posie callas and roses are today.
All that changed when a wholesale grower, Sun Valley Floral Farms of Arcata, CA, began growing tulips, irises and other bulb crops in greenhouses. Now they are locally available year round and are shipped internationally, as well. You can have tulips for your winter table or festivities, as well as for that spring wedding.
To read the rest of the story, please go to: A News Cafe