Sorting Out The New Hydrangeas

Independent gardens shops, mail-order specialists and the vast garden areas of big-box stores can be relied upon to offer many terrific hydrangeas this year. Here are some of the choices you'll find:

Mop-head hydrangeas

These are Hydrangea macrophylla types, sometimes also known as big-leaf hydrangeas. Endless Summer is the champion of the group of new hybrids (, which are becoming known in the trade as reblooming hydrangeas. They bloom on last-year's growth and produce flowers on new growth, too, extending the blooming season and ensuring flowers even in cold climates.

Endless Summer Blushing Bride is also a mop-head.

Cityline and Abracadabra are good mop-head hydrangeas for gardeners on the coasts, said Tim Wood, product development manager for Proven Winners Color Choice shrubs (

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