Let's Make Flowers a Part of Daily Life
Wouldn't it be nice if more people bought more flowers, for more reasons, far more often – rather than just special occasions and holidays? So many of our industry problems are due to our reliance on (or need to accommodate for) – the supply and demand of holidays. Staffing year round can't be consistent. Procurement can sometimes be a nightmare. And the need for production and sell-through in short windows of time is stressful.
If we could encourage people to make flowers a part of their daily life – we could sell more flowers throughout the year. Then staffing could be maintained better, procurement could be managed more effectively, and holiday sales wouldn't have the burden of carrying us through the year. Wouldn't a steady stream of floral sales week-by-week have a positive impact on all of our professional floral businesses?
I've worked in and around the floral industry for quite some time now – long enough to see that increased year round sales could help ease the challenges of – and offer more stability to – all components of the industry: retailers, wholesalers, distributors, and growers.
Even though the industry has done its best to make flowers last, sell them cheaper, and offer them everywhere – in every way shape and form … statistics still confirm that only 2% or the U.S. population buy flowers on a regular basis.
Consumers have too many choices and not enough clarity of understanding when it comes to flowers. Most flower shops and floral departments don't have the time talent or expertise to educate the general population in a way that serves the customer's broader interests.
That's why The Flower Godmother (FGM) is so important to the industry. She, being a voice that speaks directly to consumers – with their best interest in mind – has created free floral resources that help people understand flowers. And her Flower Arranging Techniques enable people to enjoy flowers more often. Plus, she is here to explain how consumers can get the most value from their flowers and live life well – by offering insights for infusing flowers into their day-to-day.
If more people bought more flowers, for more reasons, far more often – rather than just special occasions and holidays … wouldn't that have a positive impact on your professional floral business? That's what the FGM is working to achieve through a new video that encourages people to make flowers a part of their daily lives.
View the video at http://www.progressivefloristry.com/home/ or down below:
Then join the Flowerhandlers Community to access The Flower Godmother's consumer resources and use them to help your floral business grow.
Source: The Flower Godmother