Selecta Reviews IPM 2013

Once more the horticultural year started with the event of the year – the 31st IPM was hosted in Essen from January 22 – 25, 2013. As in previous years the IPM attracted about 60,000 trade visitors from all over the world. Selecta Klemm had its stand at the usual spot in hall 2.

With our new stand layout and an expansion of 10m² we were able to make a clearly arranged assortment presentation. Novelties among the bedding and balcony plants had their own presentation. Focus was on the new pot carnations of the Oscar® and the Diantica® line as well as on the stand-alone variety Pink Kisses. New Calibrachoa and Pelargonium varieties completed the novelty show.       

Further highlights of our flowering world, like the beautiful Dahlia varieties Dalaya Yogi and Shari or the orchid-like Calceolaria Calynopsis® as well as varieties from our successful Calibrachoa line MiniFamous® and our mixed combinations Trixi® were presented to our visitors.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Selecta Klemm GmbH & Co. KG