Selecta One and Evanthia will Join Forces at FlowerTrials 2022

The preparations for FlowerTrials® 2022 (14th-17th of June) have started. After a long period of time with hardly any possibilities for novelties to be presented directly to clients, we together with Evanthia are looking forward to this event – a time for catching up with clients, whilst showing new and well-known products and concepts.
This year will be different than last time FlowerTrials® as we will team up for the FlowerTrials® 2022 at a new location: Green ’05 in the Westland region in the Netherlands. Together we will join forces to make it a great spectacle with lots of vibrant colours and lots of inspiration for the new sales season. Selecta one will also present their highlights in Germany at their usual FlowerTrials® location at nursery Filla in Straelen.

Here is a little sneak peek of our Highlights being presented at FlowerTrials® 2022:

Dianthus assortment and bedding plants highlights Verbena Drums® and SKYfamily Petunias
Selecta’s outstanding breeding success Pink Kisses® will inspire the international audience with its perfect communication concept. Outstanding breeding work and first-class marketing will also be showcased with Dianthus I❤U as well as with other stand-alone varieties. Bedding plant highlight focus will be on the Drums® Verbenas – early flowering and compact, high area productivity, strong appearance at the point of sale. The SKYfamily Petunias will surprise with eagerly awaited new additions: Pink Sky, Cherry Sky and Carmine Sky.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Selecta One