Red Plants Are Fab

As a color, red has a serious fan club. Red shoes (to die for), red cars (go faster), red lipstick (no comment) and red roses. Which brings us to red in the garden. Red is the perfect foil to green, which is probably why we often paint the front door red. Or line the path with evergreen topiary balls growing in red-glazed planters. Or tie oversized red bows into the shrubbery come Christmas time. What follows is a quick look at some brilliant plants that pack a nice red punch…

THE LUSCIOUS LEAF: It’s not always about the flower and one look at this coprosma – Pacific Sunset – proves that. Once you’ve planted a pair of these in pots to flank your entrance, or massed them against strappy foliage in a modernist garden, you can count on them to thrive. They will always look this delicious and the red will continue to wow.

THE RED ROSE: There’s not much more traditional in a red flower than the red rose. The problem is, a traditional long stemmed rose tends to be a fussy thing to grow – the bush is often ungainly and the flowering season can be short. Luckily there are two red options where it comes to Flower Carpet roses, Flower Carpet being so easy to grow. Plant either the Scarlet or the Red and stand back. You’ll soon be sighing over the flowers for months.

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