The National Pollinator Garden Network is gearing up for a big push to promote the Million Pollinator Garden Challenge that encourages Americans to plant and register 1 million pollinator gardens by the end of 2016. From window boxes to expansive landscapes, every garden that is planted with pollinators in mind gives honeybees, butterflies, bumblebees and others a chance to survive and thrive.
With the gardening season right around the corner, now is the time for garden centers and nurseries to plan how they can spread the message about the importance and benefits of pollinator-friendly plants. Greenscape Gardens in St. Louis, Missouri, is one garden retailer that has met with success in communicating with their customers about planting with pollinators in mind. With more than three growing seasons of experience advocating for pollinators under their belts, Greenscape’s Jen Schamber and Tammy Behm shared five ways garden retailers can grow customer awareness and take action for pollinators’ benefit.
#1: Look at existing programs in your area. Greenscape Gardens turned to the Grow Native! A native plant marketing and education program of the Missouri Prairie Foundation. This program is launching its Pollinator Buffet line of 11 plants chosen for their benefits to pollinators. Its colorful tags help educate consumers on both the plant and the pollinators it benefits. With an existing program, the work of researching plants and providing consumer educational information has already been done.
#2: Ask your grower network to put pollinator-friendly plants into production. Consumers are driving the demand for pollinator garden plants of all sorts—annuals, perennials, shrubs, trees and vines. Communication is key. Growers have a huge opportunity to listen to what consumers and retailers are demanding and to provide it.
#3: Relate pollinators to vegetable and berry gardening. Edibles gardening is more popular than ever, but many gardeners don’t equate a bountiful harvest with robust pollinator activity. Use point-of-purchase signage, customer communications and staff interactions to educate gardeners on the importance of including pollinator-friendly plants along with veggies and berries. Cross-merchandise pollinator plants with the edibles to drive the point home.
#4: Team with community partners. Find a community, state or regional organization with the same mission and collaborate. Pairing with the local wildlife or native plant society, for instance, creates two outlets through which to tell the pollinator story and spread the message beyond the retailer’s established customer base. A good place to look for a community partner is within the National Pollinator Garden Network, whose member organizations often have local chapters. Also look to local libraries and youth programs for a partnership opportunity to spread the message to children.
#5: Spend a little, get a lot in return. Greenscape Gardens spreads the word about pollinator plants by giving away a free sample plant with any purchase. “It raises your authenticity in telling the pollinator story,” Schamber says. “In this consumer market we have to give a little bit to gain the consumers’ trust.” Demonstrating that your company is “walking the walk” also gives community partners assurance of your commitment to the cause —and will give them even more reason to share your story.
The Pollinator Challenge
With less than a year to go, the Million Pollinator Garden Challenge will hit its mark with the help of garden centers and nurseries who are communicating and engaging with customers, sharing the pollinators’ stories, and initiating action. The Challenge was established by the National Pollinator Garden Network, led by national gardening and habitat organizations American Public Gardens Association, National Gardening Association, National Wildlife Federation and Pollinator Partnership joined with industry organizations AmericanHort, American Seed Trade Association, Home Garden Seed Association and the National Garden Bureau. These organizations believe that helping our nation’s pollinator species survive and build their populations and contribute to our food system is a responsibility all Americans share. Join the cause at
Learn more about Greenscape Garden’s techniques for telling the pollinator story in the AmericanHort webinar, “Bee Savvy: The Business Opportunities Behind Pollinator Awareness.” Share your story of promoting pollinator plants via Social Media using the hashtag #polliNATION.
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About the National Pollinator Garden Network: The National Pollinator Garden Network collectively represents nearly one million active gardeners and 15,000 schoolyard gardens. The Network is challenging the nation to reach the goal of one million additional pollinator gardens by the end of 2016. The Network will work to provide resources for individuals, community groups, government agencies and the garden industry to create more pollinator habitat through sustainable gardening practices and conservation efforts.
About AmericanHort: AmericanHort was formed in 2014 by the consolidation of the American Nursery & Landscape Association and OFA – The Association of Horticulture Professionals. With a combined history of 220+ years, AmericanHort supports nearly 16,000 member and affiliated businesses that include breeders, greenhouse and nursery growers, garden retailers, distributors, interior and exterior landscape professionals, florists, students, educators, researchers, manufacturers, and all of those who are part of the industry market chain. The horticulture industry's production, wholesale, retail, and landscape service components have annual sales of $163 billion, and sustain over 1.15 million full- and part-time jobs. Our mission is to unite, promote, and advance the horticulture industry through advocacy, collaboration, connectivity, education, market development, and research. The association has offices in Columbus, Ohio for administration and member services, and in Washington, DC to facilitate government relations and research activities.
About National Garden Bureau: Founded in 1920, the National Garden Bureau is a non-profit organization whose mission is to disseminate basic instructions for backyard gardeners and those who want to garden, that will inspire them to spend more time outdoors, enjoying all nature has to offer.
About American Seed Trade Association: Founded in 1883, the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) represents over 700 companies involved in seed production, plant breeding and related industries in North America. ASTA is the leading voice of action in all matters concerning the development, marketing and movement of seed, associated products and services throughout the world.
ASTA’s broad membership offers varieties from alfalfa to zucchini and all production types including conventional, organic and biotech. They promote the development of better seed to produce better crops for a better quality of life.
Source: The National Pollinator Garden Network