Pleasant View Gardens, of Loudon and Pembroke NH, and one of the founding companies of the Proven Winners Brand, has selected MPS-ABC for environmental certification. Henry Huntington, Co-Owner of Pleasant View Gardens says, “One of our long range goals at Pleasant View Gardens is sustainability. We studied the MPS program and liked the way it will help us measure our actions, give us guidelines and help us set our own goals for sustainability.”
Pleasant View Gardens began registering their use of fertilizers, energy, water and crop protection agents early this year. They have now received one quarterly report and as Henry acknowledges, “the information is good. As we get more of these reports and establish our baseline, this information will be a useful management tool for us.” Of course he also recognizes that most likely they will see some surprises, as well as some confirmations of their assumptions but he recognizes that either way, the information is a useful tool.
Henry concludes with the following, “Sustainability is a trend. We want to be leaders in the ‘green industry’ and therefore we committed to begin the program. The time is right.”
Grower inquiries
MPS is proud to have quality growers such as Pleasant View Gardens in their program and welcomes grower inquiries in North America to their west coast coordinator, Charlotte Smit at (805) 524-9685 or, or to the east coast coordinator, Sandy Hering at (508) 758-3008,
Source: MPS