The theme of the 33rd edition of Plantarium will be Focus on sales. The board of the Stichting Vakbeurs voor de Boomkwekerij (Nursery Trade Fair Foundation) is therefore saying that production should and can be steered by sales. The ornamental horticulture sector produces many attractive products. Already thinking about sales at the production stage makes it easier to respond to the wishes of the market.
Plantarium is the leading international nursery trade fair and runs from 26 to 29 August 2015. As a result of its active PR policy, the fair generates publicity in trade journals in an average of 17 countries. For the next edition of Plantarium, 20,000 trade visitors from around 40 countries are expected as a result of the targeted invitation policy.
Plantarium has more strings to its bow
Once again this year, Plantarium is working hard to make the fair even more appealing to visitors and standholders. On and around the Food Plaza, the focus is on edible plants in relation to healthy eating. The cuttings companies and breeders will be exhibiting their ranges in and around the Breeders' Plaza.
To read the rest of the story, please go to: Plantarium