‘Phantom’ Wins 2010 Fleuroselect Industry Award

Congratulations to Petunia Phantom, the winner of the 2010 Fleuroselect Industry Award. This unique flower from Ball FloraPlant captivated this year’s 28 international judges. The announcement of the winner was made at Fleuroselect’s annual gala dinner in Poland by Nils Klemm, President of Fleuroselect. Jan Sijm, Chairman of the Award Committee, handed over the 2010 Fleuroselect Industry Award to Jean-François Ignasse of Ball FloraPlant, USA.

A team of judges selected Phantom among seven entries. “It was the unique color of this Petunia that won over the experts,” Fleuroselect reports. “Ball FloraPlant has grown a real eye-catcher in Phantom. It is a plant with a genuine ‘WOW!’ effect and no comparison.”

According to Fleuroselect, entries for Fleuroselect’s Industry Award should show an outstanding presentation at the point of sale, create a “buzz”, and have a “WOW!” impact on growers and consumers. They should offer something unexpected and special, and trigger sales. The independent team of judges is comprised of experts from the cultivation, production and retail sectors; specialist journalists; and marketing professionals. They award points for commercial performance and innovation.

Phantom’s petals are black, velvety, with a striking yellow-star pattern. The variety, bred by Ball FloraPlant’s Jian Ping Ren, is distributed in Europe by Florensis, Graines Voltz, and Ball Colegrave.

Congratulations to Phantom and the Ball FloraPlant team!

For more information about Ball FloraPlant, visit www.ballfloraplant.com.

Source: Ball Horticultural Company