Peonies for Christmas? Yes!

The Chile peony season has begun and Midwest Blooms and Kennicott Brothers Company are excited to be partnering with a number of Chilean peony growers to promote sales of this popular flower.

The season in Chile is perfect this time of year with consistent cool weather that extends the peony season over a longer period of time.

Crops are on a normal schedule, with production in Central Chile expected to extend through the Christmas season and crops from the Southern growers extending into January.

Quality is excellent this season, with all colors and varieties looking very good.

Consumer interest in peonies is increasing each year, that the availability of peonies during the winter holiday season is a delightful surprise to sophisticated flower consumers in the USA.

For more information on peonies varieties and weekly availability, look to Or contact or 877-495-3250.

Source: Kennicott Brothers Company