Organic Valley Just Took The Next Field To Vase Dinner Up A Notch

We promise American Grown Field to Vase Dinner guests an artisanal meal in the blooming fields of an American flower farm. It’s our brand standard. Thanks to our partners Organic Valley and Organic Prairie, that standard will be taken to a new level at our Sept. 8 dinner at John Zehrer’s Star Valley Flowers in Soldier’s Grove, Wisconsin.

In the ancient Driftless hills of southeastern Wisconsin, several local food and farming powerhouses will join their considerable talents to create a magical evening guaranteed to dazzle your senses.

We can’t wait to see what Driftless Café owners, chef Luke Zahm and wife, Ruthie, will do with the scrumptious organic ingredients provided by Organic Valley, Organic Prairie and more than 200 regional organic farmers as they craft the special menu for this dinner tour stop.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: American Grown Flowers