Michael Evans, University of Arkansas; Jeff Kuehny, Louisiana State University; and Matt Taylor, Longwood Gardens were named recipients of the OFA Alex Laurie Award on July 10, 2011 during the OFA Short Course.
The Alex Laurie Award is presented by OFA to the author(s) of the most significant applied floriculture research paper published in any of the three refereed American Society for Horticultural Science publications during a calendar year.
The award was presented for “Physical Properties of Biocontainers for Greenhouse Crops Production,” published during 2010 in the HortTechnology journal.
Each researcher receives an honorarium, a plaque, and an opportunity to participate in the 2012 OFA Short Course program.
This award was established in honor of the late Alex Laurie (1892-1982), renowned floriculture teacher and researcher at The Ohio State University and founder of the Ohio Florists’ Association (now OFA – The Association of Horticulture Professionals).
Michael Evans is a professor in the Department of Horticulture at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville, Arkansas.
Jeff Kuehny is a professor of in the School of Plant, Environmental & Soil Sciences at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Matt Taylor is a Research Horticulturalist at Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania.
For additional information, contact OFA at 2130 Stella Court, Columbus, Ohio USA 43215-1033. Phone:
614-487-1117; fax: 614-487-1216; e-mail: ofa@ofa.org; online: www.ofa.org.
About the organization:
OFA – The Association of Horticulture Professionals is the leading horticulture educational association in the United States. It is a non-profit, all-industry, educational organization and its core purpose/mission is “to support and advance professional horticulture.” Industry segments served include: garden centers, greenhouses, nurseries, retail and wholesale florists, and interior plantscapers. OFA is especially known for its outstanding publications and its annual OFA Short Course, U.S. horticulture’s premier convention and marketplace. The next Short Course will take place on July 14-17, 2012 in Columbus, Ohio USA.
Source: OFA – The Association of Horticulture Professionals