Oak Ridge, Tennessee's Ridge Greenhouse Separates Itself With Service

Decking the halls is traditionally more than holly, mistletoe, greenery and bows; many homes also include the euphorbia pulcherrima — commonly known as the poinsettia.

Ridge Greenhouse has thousands of poinsettias in a variety of colors and states it's the only area greenhouse that grows its own — as well as Christmas cactuses and hydrangeas.

Several years ago, the business underwent an extensive state-of-the-art renovation to ensure its crops were as well-grown and healthy as possible, according to Eddie Damewood, manager of the wholesale greenhouses. Ridge has basically three areas of production — a retail greenhouse, 11 additional houses for the wholesale division, and the florist that specializes in fresh cut and silk arrangements.

The greenhouse starts the growing process for the poinsettias in July to have them ready for the holiday season.

"We will grow between 8,000 to 10,000 poinsettia cuttings in a variety of over 15 colors to fill orders for the greenhouse, florist, and wholesale part of the business," Damewood said.

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