NovemberFest, Danziger’s flagship annual event, marks the kick-off of the new season and a chance for industry leaders – growers, retailers and distributors – to explore the company’s latest genetics and assortment from its R & D facilities in Israel.
As usual, this year’s event promises customers and partners from around the world a chance to see the company’s assortment in full bloom, as well as discover the novelties and introductions for the upcoming seasons, with one important difference. This year, NovemberFest 2020 will take place as a virtual event.
“Instead of looking at this as a substitute for the ‘real thing,’ we’re embracing the opportunities created by the new normal to design a more personalized and tailored experience for our global visitors. Now they can discover our blooming assortment and amazing new varieties at their own pace and time zone, through virtual tours of our R&D facility and greenhouses. They will also have the opportunity to get to know our people on a one to one basis,” says Ori Danziger, Deputy CEO.
During NovemberFest 2020, visitors will have the opportunity to take a 360 virtual tour of the R&D facility in Israel and explore Danziger’s vast assortment and new genetics for the 2022 season, featuring 66 new varieties, 3 new series, and one brand new crop. Among others, Danziger will present:
- CAPELLA™ – Danziger’s flagship series is proud to introduce “Hello Yellow”, the perfect Petunia in a perfect yellow color. CAPELLA™ is quickly becoming the growers’ favorite. This innovative petunia performs well in propagation, requires minimal PGR and blooms early enough for any petunia program. CAPELLA™ creates stunning 12 cm. baskets and combinations that draw the eye at retail and continue to perform in the home garden.
- LOLLIES™ – A new Argyranthemum uniform series comprising of 5 bright colors that gives a treat of color to any retail display or at the end consumer’s house. LOLLIES™ series will be offered with a full retail package including POP concept and a fun storytelling.
- HARMONY® COLORFALL™ – Are you ready for a true breeding breakthrough in New Guinea Impatiens? HARMONY®COLORFALL™ is the first trailing line of NGI on the market, specially designed for hanging baskets. COLORFALL™ features all the wonderful traits of the HARMONY® series, including large flowers and uniform growth, with the unique trailing habit. This innovative New Guinea series was presented first last season and will have an addition of four new colors that will be launched at NovemberFest, perfect for adding a new twist to shade hanging baskets and in combinations.
- Dark Matter™ – A new Salvia nemorosa with a unique deep blue colored flower, re-blooming all summer long
- COLIBRI™, EYECONIC™ & OMBRE™- Danziger’s Calibrachoa assortment has been renewed these last 3 years with the COLIBRI™ series, which is the perfect compact habit for 10-12 cm. pots and two new novelties series EYECONIC™ and OMBRE™. The COLIBRI™ series is the small pot type Calibrachoa with its beautiful 20 colors. The EYECONIC™ series has a major flower power with an eye pattern and the OMBRE™ series is the “multi-color” type, with a beautiful blend of several colors on each plant and controlled semi-trailing habit.
During the event, Danziger’s local Israeli team together with worldwide teams based in Europe, China and North America, will be available to meet and discuss the company’s new genetics, marketing and retail strategies, breeding, product concepts and more via 1:1 streaming video meetings.
“Every year we provide our guests with an unforgettable experience by combining professional meetings and a festive atmosphere. NovemberFest is all about new trends and the future, and today we are using top-notch technologies to enable everyone to experience ‘being in Israel in person’,” adds Ori Danziger.
To schedule your virtual tour or meeting, click here: https://bit.ly/3mNupk1
About Danziger
Through innovative floriculture, creative collaboration and a spark of imagination, Danziger strives to produce extraordinary flowers to help customers achieve extraordinary success. Danziger is a global leader in bedding plant and cut flower breeding, backed by one of the largest R&D departments in the world. More than 100 scientists, researchers and professional breeders work to invent new varieties that are more durable, efficient, profitable and BEAUTIFUL. Nearly 1,000 customers in more than 60 countries count on Danziger varieties. Founded in 1953, the family-owned company is committed to bringing personal service to its customers. Danziger employs more than 1,500 people worldwide, with propagation facilities in Israel, Guatemala, Kenya and Colombia.
For more information, visit our new website: www.danzigeronline.com