New Selecta One Catalogs For Dianthus & Early Spring Crops

Spring sets in step by step and we are happy about warmer temperatures and sunny days. Now we spend time in the garden again. Therefore, our new catalogues of Dianthus and Early Spring Crops should not be missing so that you can already plan for the new season.

The colourful cover of the new Dianthus catalogue announces already that we have a beautiful range of carnations consisting of approved and new varieties and concepts ready for you. Thanks to our longstanding carnation expertise we stand for innovative carnation breedings and successful product launches of pot carnations today. In 2017 we took a new approach concerning our sales strategy with a special pot carnation by addressing end consumers with our nationwide campaign for the first time. We continue our communications strategy for the successful mini carnation Pink Kisses® under the slogan, "Pink Kisses® as beautiful as our friendship" and hold several surprises in store – you can be curious!

We are delighted that we could add a colourful and modern trio to our new pot carnation generation: Peach PartyEarly Love®and Purple Wedding perfectly complement our range and are already in high demand. Place your order in good time or contact our sales team, who will be happy to advise you at any time.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Selecta One