The International Protea Association (IPA), together with the New Ornamental Crops and International Protea ISHS Working Groups, have pleasure in inviting you to take part in the VIII International Symposium on New Ornamental Crops, XII International Protea Research Symposium and XVII International Protea Association Conference to be held in Perth Australia from 20 to 24 August, 2015.
Please register your initial interest and wish to receive further notifications by completing the Expression of Interest on the conference website.
The Conference will provide a forum for researchers from around the globe to present current research on Proteaceous species and related plants, and the latest research focussed on developing new ornamental crops for world markets. Keynote speakers will address the cut flower and ornamental plant community on innovations and new technologies associated with breeding, production, postharvest management and marketing of these ornamental crops.
This will be an excellent networking opportunity for ornamental plant and flower producers and marketers, researchers and extension specialists to share experiences and knowledge from around the world. The conference will also showcase Australian flora and research through excursions to the famous Kings Park and Botanic Garden, national parks in Western Australian and visits to wildflower growers and exporters.
The program of the Conference will consist of two days of invited speakers, oral presentations and posters and two days of tours. All participants interested in either an oral or a poster presentation will be invited to submit an abstract on the following subjects: state of the industry, genetics and breeding, biotechnology, physiology, propagation, production, crop protection, postharvest and quality and marketing.
The Call for Abstracts will be coming soon. Please register your interest and you will automatically receive conference updates including the call for abstracts.
We look forward to welcoming you to Australia in 2015.
Dr Robyn McConchie
Chair International Protea Working Group and Conference Convenor
Source: International Society for Horticultural Science