New Fair Flowers Fair Plants Certification For Rose Nursery QualisA

In Cayambe, close to the Panamericana Norte in Ecuador, rose nursery QualisA grows roses in a sustainable way. These roses for the European market as well as other markets are produced with respect for people and for nature. There is nothing new about the production of roses in Ecuador by now; new however is that QualisA can supply her roses under the label Fair Flowers Fair Plants.

The first flower producers from Holland settled in South America more than 20 years ago. QualisA was one of the pioneers who made their choice for the advantages of the available quantities of land, the sunny climate and low production costs. Both the quality of the flowers as well as their price would benefit from these circumstances.

Aside from the advantages for the Dutch producers the farms in Ecuador mean employment for the local people. Most nurseries have good social standards for their personnel. Local governments maintain high values and closely monitor employers with regard to their compliance with these working standards.

MPS Socially Qualified

QualisA has always taken good care of her employees. Their services ensure good housing, working and living conditions. In proof of this, QualisA recently acquired the MPS Socially Qualified certification. The certification audit at the nursery in Ecuador was performed on July 15 and 16, in the presence of – among others – an observer of IEDECA (a local non-governmental organization – NGO).

With the MPS SQ certification QualisA meets the ICC, the International Code of Conduct for the cut flower industry. Their MPS-A certification states that they also meet the highest environmental standards. Both certifications are proof that the nursery meets the international standard of Fair Flowers Fair Plants, which enables them to participate in FFP’s program and to proudly supply their roses under the label of Fair Flowers Fair Plants.

You can find QualisA – and the other FFP participants – on:

Source: Fair Flowers Fair Plants