Meet & Seat During The Fides Flower Festival 2013

From 11th until 14th June, you are cordially invited to the Fides Flower Festival and judge our varieties for yourself in our extensive flower trials. A great opportunity to meet and seat to have a talk about the developments in the market and our innovative organization.

‘Meet and seat’ is central during the Fides Flower Festival at our own breeding location. The perfect environment to have a good and informal discussion. This year, our relationship takes central stage during the Fides Flower Festival. This all will take place in a relaxed atmosphere among the newest novelties. These contain very interesting introductions in various product groups and Fides main products as cut- and pot Chrysanthemum, Kalanchoe and Calandiva®, Idols geraniums and Osteospermum Margarita.

We will be pleased to meet you during the Fides Flower Festival. Register right now on

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Fides