FRESH, FUN, INSPIRING, DESIGN, FLOWERS, FRIENDS are just a few words that describe Mayesh Wholesale Florist’s upcoming National Open House & Design contest. During business hours on January 23, 2013, Mayesh will welcome customers and guests into all 15 branches for the open house and kick off its all reaching nationwide contest.
The centerpiece of this national event will be on the design contest, with this year’s focus on everyday design. Everyday does not need to by synonymous with mundane, average, or commonplace, especially when floral design is concerned! The contest will celebrate one of the most popular "wedding/event" flowers for the past couple of years, the garden rose. However, Mayesh wants to see what you can do with these beauties when considering your everyday client. Prizes include an AIFD Symposium trip, iPad2, Elizabeth Demos' new book "Vintage Wedding Style", and a Mayesh gift certificate. Register by December 28, 2012 with free registration for the first 300 registrants!
During the open house, attendees will be voting on their local favorite floral design for the contest which will move on to compete nationally. In addition to the contest, every branch is giving away a $300 Mayesh gift certificate via raffle to a lucky attendee and AIFD will be in attendance with many hosting live design demonstrations all the while attendees will be enjoying refreshments and mingling with colleagues. You don’t want to miss Mayesh Wholesale Florist’s fresh event!
Get fresh with Mayesh and get the full Open House & Design Contest details at:
Source: Mayesh Wholesale Florist