Market Dynamics Cut Flowers – October 2013

The September 2013 cut-flowers auction figures were published as follows. The September turnover has increased by 2.6% when compared to the same month of last year, realised with a supply increase of 4.5%, resulting in a total average price for all flowers of 21.8 Eurocents per stem (last year 22.2 cents).

The cut-flowers market during the past 8 – 9 weeks has been steady from a supplies and prices point of view of. Both did not vary much, except on the supply side, where the assortment has been changing with the seasons. Prices, as said did not vary much and the general price level was between 22 and 24 Euro cents per stem, for all flowers; more or less identical to the situation of last year, which was considerably better when compared to the same period of 2011.

As said, the assortment was changing all the time during the past week, both the domestic production as the import supply. Of course, the change of the domestic production was normal, given the period of the year. However, on the supply side – for instance roses originating from the African countries, mainly from Kenya and Ethiopia – quite a shortage could be noticed, all due to the dark and rainy weather circumstances. Those factors have had also quite some impact on the general quality level of the roses. Problems such as botrytis, mildew and red spider occurred during several weeks. However, all should gradually improve during the weeks to come.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: International Trade Center