Lee Sorenson Honored With WUMFA National Service Award

The Wisconsin & Upper Michigan Florists Association's National Service Award is given to the person, group or company noted for promoting the floriculture industry.  This year's recipient is Lee Sorenson who was honored at the WUMFA convention in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

Qualifications for the award include a desire to assist in the advancement of floristry or horticulture, being in tune with the latest trends and demands of retailers and consumers, and being nationally recognized for promotion, product development, educational promotion and/or design techniques. 

Lee Sorenson grew up in the floral industry working in his family owned business Lincoln Wholesale Florist. He worked at Pajaro Valley Greenhouses and is currently account and operations manager for Design Master color tool, inc., Boulder, Colorado. He is past president of WF&FSA Young Executives, and donates his time and products to further the education of retail florists through shows, classes, programs and workshops. Outside of the floral industry, he is involved in voluntary work and sits on the board of Habitat for Humanity. 

He is known for his positive attitude and eagerness to help others succeed.

The Wisconsin & Upper Michigan Florists Association is a full-service trade organization representing more than 150 florists, growers, and wholesalers statewide. Located in Haslett, Michigan, WUMFA offers group savings on insurance, financial services, retail bank card processing and supplies, office supplies, and fleet fueling; is the sponsor of the Certified Florist (CF) program; creates and hosts a statewide annual convention and trade show; conducts educational seminars throughout the year at various locations around the state; hosts the WUMFA web site, and interacts with state/federal government agencies. For more information on WUMFA, visit their web site at www.wumfa.org.

Source:  The Wisconsin & Upper Michigan Florists Association