Introducing The Chrysal Premium Powder Stick

The need for quality and convenience has never been so  important. With this in mind, Chrysal are introducing a new, improved flower food formulation: the new Chrysal Premium Powder Stick. The premium packaging is easy-to-open and available in loose sticks, twin-packs (second stick for topping up) and on “strings” for automatic application! We will introduce it this  November during IFTF 2014 (Vijfhuizen, the Netherlands).

Chrysal Premium Powder Stick

The Chrysal Premium Powder Stick is more effective than any other flower food and available in Mixed Bouquet, Rose and Rose Fairtrade formulations.   A key benefit of this new powder stick is that Chrysal can now offer this in a string version for automatic application.  Working in association with  Potveer Floriculture machines Chrysal have developed a machine to aid  efficient binding of sachets/sticks: 

  • The automatic binder feeds through the new powder sticks.
  • Ability to prepare two string boxes, which saves time for new box supply.
  • The machine can also be used for other sachets in a string format.

 Longer enjoyment for consumers because of:

  • Increases vase life significantly compared to water alone.
  • Easy to open (premium) packaging.
  • Available in loose, twin-pack or string format for automatic application.

Chrysal International

Chrysal International is the world leader in high-quality care for cut flowers and plants developing top quality products that prolong the life of cut flowers and pot plants. The complete product line of Chrysal meets and exceeds the needs of cut flowers and plants at every stage of their life cycle. Chrysal is an international company with advanced technologies and is committed to continuous innovation and quality. Chrysal ships hundreds of innovative products, in more than 17 different languages, each day around the world.

Source: Chrysal