Introducing SnowStorm+ At IFTF Netherlands

Kudelstaart, The Netherlands – SnowStorm+®  is a force of nature, packed into a white rose with amazing strength. Outstanding transport qualities, commanding presence, available now for all your powerful arrangements.

SnowStorm+ offers premium flower power in a white rose with a firm bud (size 4,5-5 cm) and an excellent storage life. Its strong petals show no bruising after transport, which is unique and extraordinary for white roses. It is how SnowStorm+ earned its nickname: The Power Rose.

Vigorous white rose

SnowStorm+ is created by international top hybridizer Dümmen Orange. For the past 12 months the rose has been intensively tested by specialized rose farm Oserian. The promising results led to commercial planting on 1,5 ha. More SnowStorm+ roses are planted every week. SnowStorm+ is exclusively available per Dutch Flower Group (DFG) as of November 2016. 

Taking the world by storm

As proud partners in the launch of SnowStorm+ Hamish Ker of Oserian, Eric van Duin of RoseConnect (part of the DFG) and André Vreugdenhil of Dümmen Orange wish SnowStorm+ a powerful start, packing a punch in dazzling arrangements all over the world. 

Further information can be obtained from: Rokus Hassefras, Marketing Manager,

Source: Dummen Orange