IFTF Ready For The Next Level

Vijfhuizen – Overall results of the 7th edition of IFTF can be concluded as fully satisfactory. According to exhibitors the trade fair was well attended.  Especially the first and last day the aisles were very crowded. Almost 25,000 national and international visitors were counted at the fair that consisted this year of 276 national and international exhibitors. Although the number of visitors went down with about 7.5%, the quality was high according to exhibiting companies. Positive comments were also received from attending visitors that were impressed by the quality of stands, designs and flowers on display.

Although weather conditions contributed positively to the number of visitors, a light negative influence could be noted because of the fair dates being so close to All Saints' day and All Souls' day. This might likely explain why the numbers were a bit down this year, especially from visitors from Spain, Germany and France, according to the organizers.

It has been agreed between the management of both fairs RFHTF and IFTF that the dates for next year will be moved forward with a week, i.e. from Wednesday November 8 to Friday 10, since otherwise the dates of All Saints' day and All Souls' day would even partly overlap the dates of both fairs in 2017.

Source: HPP Exhibitions