Blumz… by JRDesigns is celebrating its 15th Birthday in April 2017 and in those 15 years we have seen significant changes in the world of retail floristry. Major changes from the process of procuring flowers to the latest and greatest trends in design have taken place. However, we feel the most significant change has occurred due to the influence of the internet and all things digital.
The entrance of personal computers, smart phones and the internet was a game changer. Blumz opened its first store in 2002 just as email had seriously taken over the job previously held by mail, fax and phone. This newest form of communication allowed for the most people to be contacted quicker and cheaper than print and traditional mail. The world wide web opened up the ability to host a store without physical constraints. Through this virtual store, the traditional retailer had yet one more way for clients to “enter” their business, select merchandise and make purchases.
Additionally, the advent of social media allowed more ways of marketing than previously available. Sharing the story of one's business, connecting with clients on a personal level and the visual format provided by the social platforms of Friendster, LinkedIn, MySpace and now Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram truly revolutionized retail marketing. With all these changes and technological advances, many of the older more established (and therefore least likely to embrace change) floral shops fell by the way side. With the added pressure of the big box businesses, direct internet order takers and changing customer demographics, the traditional retail florist has had to review, revise and reinvent themselves to survive.
To read the rest of the story, please go to: Wholesale Florist & Florist Supplier Association